Fitness and fun go hand-in- hand in the lives of children, and the broad range of sports we play at St.Patrick’s NS ensures that there’s fitness and fun for everyone. We offer Gaelic football, hurling, rugby, basketball, soccer, and athletics – so there’s never a shortage of sports to enjoy.
We work closely with local clubs to promote these activities in our school and provide pupils with quality training and physical education.
Hurling and Camogie
St. Patrick's N.S. provides hurling training for our pupils on Tuesdays, throughout the year. Mr. Billy Cuddihy, member of the Wicklow County hurling team, coaches the pupils from 2nd to 6th class. St. Patrick's N.S. has enjoyed terrific success on the hurling field, winning numerous trophies.
The girls' camogie team has competed in a number of blitzes. Mr. Cuddihy trains them too.
St. Patrick's N.S. works closely with our local club, St. Pat's GAA, in the coaching and promotion of hurling. Many of the current minor and senior teams in St. Pat's GAA are our past pupils.
Hurling Competitions - The school enters several hurling competitions each year, such as the Allianz Hurling League, the INTO Skills Challenge and the Credit Union Cup. Teams are selected and trained for these competitions.
Gaelic Football
Pupils from St. Patrick's N.S. have enjoyed tremendous success on the football field over the years winning many trophies. St. Patrick's N.S. works closely with our local club, St. Patrick's GAA, in the promotion and development of football amongst young children.
Boys and girls travel to indoor and outdoor Cumann na mBunscoil blitzes throughout the year. There are both participation and competition blitzes to cater for all our pupils.
This year we have Paul Earls (teacher) to teach Gaelic Football skills to our pupils.
We are very lucky to have Mr. Hehir join our staff . He teaches 4th class, this year (21/22). Mr. Hehir is a very talented long distance runner and he is training our pupils in athletics.
This year St Patrick’s athletics team had an excellent day in Greystones at the Wicklow Primary Schools’ Track & Field Championships. Everyone behaved brilliantly and gave every event their very best effort. Our athletes had been training very hard in preparation for these championships in recent weeks and everyone had a great day. Stand out performances included:
Girls 3rd class relay team (Amelia, Caia, Ellie, Millie)
Girls 5th+6th tug-of-war (Kate, Malu, Aoife, Maria, Ciara, Katie M, Ramona, Zara, Katie E, Margo)
Ellie Duffy 3rd class girls javelin
Amelia Debowska 3rd class girls sprint
Kristofrs Scheaffrs 3rd class boys javelin
Maria Vialacorta 5th class girls javelin
Luke Connolly 5th class boys distance
Josh Murphy 5th class boys javelin
Bruno Tejada 6th class boys javelin
Boys 5th class relay team (James, Alessio, Daniel, Ryan)
Boys 3rd+4th class tug-of-war (Brendan, Ryan, James, Matthew, Paul S, Freddy K, Jamie N, MJ, Aron McG)
Brendan Baines 3rd class boys sprint
James Connolly 5th class boys distance
Maia Pietrek 5th class girls sprint
Very well done to everyone on the team for being very well behaved and for representing the school with distinction. A big thank you to the parents of Freddy (4th class) who helped in the running of the events this year. All the team in Greystones sincerely appreciated their help. Míle buíochas also to Mr Hehir, Mr Corcoran and Christina for preparing the athletics team for these championships and for managing the team in Greystones on race day.
Ms.Whelan does basketball with the pupils every Monday.
The first term we hold a league using teams from 5th and 6th classes. All children from these classes are welcome to participate in the training sessions. During the spring term pupils from fourth classes are invited to join us.
After Christmas we play teams from the neighbouring schools and clubs. This is on a non-competition basis and we all have a lot of fun and try to keep fitter and healthier.
We are delighted to have Aiden Kearney come in to coach our students. Aiden is a member of the very successful Wicklow Rugby Club.
St. Patrick's N.S. enters teams in the Spar FAI 5-a-side primary school soccer competitions. Mr. Ahern (teacher) trains pupils from 4th to 6th class for this.